Rabu, 23 November 2016

Jurnal Kesehatan English

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is not only a problem for people in developed countries, because it threatens the lives of all people in the world. In 1995, it is estimated that people with diabetes mellitus (diabetes) worldwide peak at 135 million and is expected this number will increase to 300 million by 2025. It is more worrying is the disease is no longer the dominance of the older age group but also the people who are younger. In fact, several studies have reported that many teens today are threatened by this disease. The reason is nothing but the lifestyle changes that are significant especially in some areas that have been developed.
Diabetes Mellitus
DM disease also known sebgai diabetes / blood sugar disease is a group of chronic disease characterized by elevated levels of sugar in the blood as a result of the disruption in the body's metabolic system, in which the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin the body needs. DM is a disease in which sufferers experience an interruption in turning the food into energy. After eating, food is converted into sugar which is also often referred to as glucose. Glucose is absorbed by the intestine and circulated throughout the body via blood vessels. In people who have diabetes in their blood sugar levels to rise even exceed normal limits owned by other healthy people.
Diabetes (especially type 2 diabetes mellitus) is a condition that occurs in a long time. Diabetes is a chronic disease, meaning that the disease has a long travel time / length. You do not become a diabetic within 2-3 days (just like the flu), but within years. Because the process of destruction in the body occurs gradually, then there is a condition where the body is not actually have diabetes but have almost impaired as diabtes. The condition is often associated with excessive blood sugar levels.
Kesimpulan : 
DM disease also known sebgai diabetes / blood sugar disease is a group of chronic disease characterized by elevated levels of sugar in the blood as a result of the disruption in the body's metabolic system, in which the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin the body needs. DM is a disease in which sufferers experience an interruption in turning the food into energy.
Cyst Disease
Cysts affect women's menstrual cycles because of the hormonal system is disrupted. Naturally, would regulate cell growth hormone eggs in the ovaries. Medical has not been able to clearly explain how the female hormonal cycle disturbed patients.

However, various studies being conducted to solve this medical case that the number of patients with cysts can be suppressed.

Follicles are sort sacs in the ovary that contains the egg. In the case of cysts, follicles in the ovary are few. Egg cells in the follicles do not mature, so it can not enter into the ovary. Instead, it will form crystals in the ovary.

This has led to a barren woman. Immature follicles and the inability to distribute the egg (ovulation) seems to be the cause of the low number of follicle stimulating hormone (HSF), exceeding the content of androgens in the ovary.

A woman who was diagnosed with cysts usually aged around 20-30 years. Usually women who have cysts, if traced the genealogy of the family, no mother or grandmother who experienced symptoms similar cysts.

Kesimpulan : 
Cysts affect women's menstrual cycles because of the hormonal system is disrupted. Follicles are sort sacs in the ovary that contains the egg. In the case of cysts, follicles in the ovary are few. This has led to a barren woman.


Diarrhoeal diseases are still often cause outbreaks (Unusual) as well as the number of cholera patients in a lot of time with the management of diarrhea singkat.Namun fast, precise and verifiable quality death reduced to a minimum. In October 1992 two new strains of Vibrio Cholera 0139 which was later replaced V. cholerae El Tor strain in 1993 and then disappeared in 1995-1996, except in India and Bangladesh are still found. While E. Coli 0157 as the cause of bloody diarrhea and HUS (haemolytic Uremia Syndrome). Outbreaks have occurred in the USA, Japan, southern Africa and Australia. And to Indonesia itself above both strains had never terdeksi.

A disease with signs of a change in the shape and consistency of the stool, which softens to melt and increased frequency of defecation more than usual. (3 times or more in one day.

Factors affecting diarrhea:
Environmental Nutrition Population
Social Education and Behavioral Economics Society

The cause of diarrhea:
1. Bacteria, viruses, parasites (fungi, worms, protozoa)
2. Poisoning food / beverage caused by bacteria and chemicals
3. Poor nutrition
4. Allergies to milk
5. Immuno deficiency

Mode of transmission:
Infection by the causative agent occurs when eating / drinking water contaminated with feces / vomiting with diarrhea. Direct transmission can also occur when contaminated hands used for the feeding.

Penyakit Aids
AIDS disease stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a disease caused as a result of breeding of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the human body, where it attacks the white blood cells (CD4 cells), resulting in damage to the immune system. The loss or reduction in body resistance is easy to make the patient infected with various diseases including even mild illness.

The HIV virus attacks the CD4 cells and makes it a breeding ground for new HIV virus, then destroying it so it can not be used anymore. As we know that the white blood cells are indispensable for the immune system. Without immunity so when our body is attacked disease, Our bodies are weak and do not try to fight the outbreak of disease and consequently we may die even if exposed to influenza or the common cold.

When the human body exposed to the HIV virus does not directly cause or suffer from AIDS, but takes a long time even years for HIV to cause AIDS or HIV positive are deadly.
Mode of transmission of HIV AIDS virus
1. Through the blood. for example; Blood transfusion, blood exposed to HIV + on injured skin, syringes, etc.

2. Through semen, semen (sperm or semen Men). for example; a man having intercourse with a partner without using condoms or other safeguards, oral sex, etc.

3. Through the vaginal fluid on Women. for example; Woman having unprotected, borrowing and lending of sex aids, oral sex, etc..

4. Through Mother's Milk (ASI). for example; Baby drinking milk from women hiv +, men drinking breast milk spouse,

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